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Paediatric Emergency Medicine Education

Welcome to PEMedu on the go 



The Spectrum

Normal Wees:

6-8 wet nappies/ day

Normal Poos:

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My Senior Says


HISTORY           HISTORY           HISTORY 


are important


Babies poo- the colours and consistencies are wide variety, all need to be interpreted in context. History and examination are important!​​​

Always interpret in the context! 


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Further Reading

Information sourced from the following webites. For more in-depth knowledge, please visit their website via link below.

Baby's Poo

BP My Senior Says
BP Spectrum
BP Resource

Rough Estimate

2 weeks - regain BW​

4 months x2 BW​

12 months x3 BW​

24 months x4 BW

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Head Circumference

​At birth ~ 35cm (full term) ​

First 2m: 0.5cm/ week 

12 months ~ 75% of adult size


At birth ~50cm ​

12 months ~gain 50%  


Further Reading

Information sourced from the following webites. For more in-depth knowledge, please visit their website via link below.

G Weight
G Resource
G Height

~First 3 months

6-8 wet nappies/ day


Frequency ​

  • First few days-> 2-3 hourly

  • Then-> 3-4 hourly

(generally not longer than 5 hourly) ​

Volume ​

  • Formula feeding: ~(~150-200ml/kg/day)

  • Breast feeding : ~15 minutes

Sleep vs Crying

Newborns generally sleep 12 to 16 hours in a 24-hour period and do not know the difference between day and night.

In the first 3 months of life, babies cry a lot – it is their main way of communicating.

Increases and peak around 6-8 weeks of age​

~2-3 hours (5-6 hours)/ day ​​
Quality of crying / context of crying ​

“strict definition” is not helpful 

My Senior Says
Feeding issues and excessive crying are the two common presentations to ED- we need to understand the spectrum and baby's baseline and interpret in the context 
"Active listening" is important 
(parents usually very stressed and feeling lost too) 
Sudden onset of excessive crying- some potential causes to consider
Raised intracranial pressure (ICP)?
Injury e.g. clavicle fracture, non-accidental injury?
Incarcerated inguinal hernia?
Hair tourniquet?
Corneal foreign body / abrasion?


Need to be interpret with caution in the context of baby's baseline behaviour 

Good History and examination are keys, and always involve your seniors 


Further Reading

Information sourced from the following webites. For more in-depth knowledge, please visit their website via link below.

Feeding and Behaviour

FB My Senior Says
FB Feeding
FB Resource
FB Sleep Cry
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